Tuesday, May 26, 2015


4 weeks today and I can't believe my progress.

Last week I walked a total of 14600 metres, 14.5 kms

First it was 300m along the river, return. Then 500 and return.- 1km. the next day a two bridge walk - 2kms. Then last Wednesday for my 3rd birthday I made it to Cafe Dear Delicious return - 3kms.

Then I spent 2 days in bed reading The Girl Who Played with Fire.

Then on the Saturday I walked 5kms return to my favourite place - Coffee First.

Since then I've learned to climb the 93 Steps of Death behind my place and for the 3rd day in a row have climbed up and down those steps. Am having Coffee at Bar L'unico - maybe they're steps to Heaven afterall.

aside from the social addiction of coffee in cafes, I'm weaning myself off some of the others.

At Rehab I was on 5mg Targin. Last week I dropped it to 2.5mg. Now I've dropped the morning one and only taking it at night.

I dropped the panamax ages ago. I have 1 aspirin for blood thinning.

And anti constipation pills. Despite prunes and teas and fruit and tablets I'm still very rabbitish.

Rehab as an outpatient is excellent with very targeted exercises. What they cut through for the operation is the glutimus medias and this effects lateral movements of the hips. We are building up this gradually with sometimes quite challenging exercises.

working on getting a good gait.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

LIVING WITH AIDS - washing and toileting

Not so sightly but highly functional. The throne - the elevated toilet, always ensuring your hips are higher than your knees. And my Landlord Tony installed a rail to help me get in and out of the shower.  Bathrooms are slippery dangerous places so good to have things to hold onto.

Flowers give Life

Thank you kind people

LIVING WITH AIDS - Sleep with Me

Knee Pillow keeps hips aligned without cross over. Can lie on back or side. Cotton Reel pillow elevates knee or calf to level of comfort.


Adaptation to mobile phone with hook and lanyard, magnetic extenable biro that hoods on, can pick up metal things from floor such as spoons, sock putter onner, extended shoe horn,


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Flowers bring Life

Thank you to Rosie, Nikki, Lou, Nadia, Gabi, Maria, Ariyani, Helen, Tilly, Marrickville West, Yarie, Liz, Jenny, Kate, Gillian, Sandy, Erica, Ivy, Anneli, Hien, Hang, Sylvia  and others for bringing life, love, goodies and  flowers to my bedside.